Saturday, September 1, 2018

Poemetry of Bipolarity

This is the post of explanation. What am I trying to do?

Living with bipolar disorder as I do, maintaining focus and structure is difficult. Sometimes it's impossible. So peometry came to mind as a possible solution, a way of keeping focussed. The problem is I invented poemetry but I don't know the rules.

I intend to gradually formalize this theory, though maybe that can't be done. I would settle on a loose structure. I’m only hypothesizing but my intention is to put my theory of poemetry on display.

Of course, it could be just a fancy word for a bunch of poems. (this is more likely)

To become the world's first poemetrist. Or to become the world's worst poemetrist. it's all possible.

I write obviously and sort of addictively. I write a lot about mental health these days - bipolar disorder, depression, addiction - the whole rainbow.

Some poems may need context, others may need to be enigmatic. And I just write them, I don't judge them. Often I don't know what they mean. Some may be finished. Most won't because I have poems that are 20 years old, published and I still change them.

So I kinda hope this will be interesting. I would like it if you read this from time to time but I'm not arrogant enough to say that you will be inspired to follow what I write. Maybe you'll be curious.

Maybe I can figure what poemetry is along the way.

Poemetry? What?

What is Poemetry? I don't know. I just made it up 5 minutes ago. What do you want from me. You're so demanding.

Let's consider Poemetry. It makes poetry into a social science I suppose. Like anthropology, sociology, psychology and astronomy. All these are about human life, ways of living, reporting on differences with the passion of explorers. Poemetry is distilling vast landscapes into the story of a grain of dust. It is the communication of facts through visions and metaphors and emotion.

Are writers of poetry Poemetrists? Sure why not. It sounds sort of cool in a geeky I love school kind of way.

When I have a more concise idea, I'll get back to you.